edwards jeffery carpet cleaning

Christmas Stain Removal Tips

Red Wine

Whether at a festive party or celebrating Christmas in your home, you can be sure that wine will be spilt on carpets or tablecloths!

Whilst quality professi0nal carpet cleaning is recommended to remove most stubborn stains safely, if you act quickly enough, you have a chance of effective and complete removal.

Red wine is one of the most common stains at this time of year.  Here is how to remove any trace: (if you act quickly!)


Removing a Fresh Stain

Wet stains are much easier to remove.

You will need:

White wine

Baking Powder

Clean Cloths

1. Begin by blotting (don’t scrub!) the stain with a clean cloth to remove as much of the stain as possible.

2. Then add some white wine to a different clean cloth and continue blotting the stain.

3. Make a thick paste of baking powder and water and spread a layer over the remaining stain – Leave for 5 mins.

4. Simply hoover up the baking powder and the stain will have completely disappeared!


* Dry or set stains may require professional carpet cleaning. Do not use any shop bought products as many can be harmful to carpets. If you need any advice on products, please feel free to give us a call.


How Do You Choose A Carpet Cleaner?

It’s easy to find a local carpet cleaner.
All you need do is take a look in the yellow pages, search the internet or simply call the number from a recent flyer you recieved in the post.

But, to find a carpet cleaner you can trust to treat your home with the respect it deserves, and get the results you need, it becomes a little more difficult.

Here are some key points to consider when choosing a company to clean your carpets and furnishings…

– Are they using a machine that is capable of the best results? (There is a huge potential difference in performance and results – Carpet Cleaning Machines can range in price, from £200 – £20,000!!!)

– Do they have industry recognised training qualifications?

– Are they fully insured against accidental damage?

– How much experience do they have? (There are many different fibres and stains, and therefore, potential for damage – experience is vital!)

– Are they using safe and effective solutions to clean your furnishings?

– Is there a reason for the surprisingly cheap price you have been quoted? – refer to all points above!

– Are you offered a 100% guarantee that if you are not fully satisfied, you will receive a re-clean or your money back!?

On a recent visit to a new customer in Cardiff, I was reminded that not all cleaning companies share our values. The unfortunate lady had asked us to repair damage caused by a previous carpet cleaning company and was currently embroiled in a legal dispute in an attempt to claim compensation.

An experienced and competent carpet cleaner needn’t be expensive, but if the price seems to be to good to be true…it probably is…

Melissa Edwards